“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement thatsomething else is more important than fear.” ― Ambrose Redmoon
Courage. What does it really mean? The absence of fear? No, it is not as simple as that.
Personally, I think being courageous is not something you can learn or have just because you want it. It is just something that comes along with people with good and kind hearts. Courage is not being a badass and do 'cool' things without thinking of the consequences, it's about realising the after-effects of your actions and do them with careful thought.
Easier said than done, it's hard to be brave. Everyone is brave in general, it's within all of us. It is just our mindset that gives us the strength to carry on. Example, you want to tell your friend that whatever she is doing is wrong. However, you are afraid she would be mad or think you are 'uncool' or your friends would judge you.
Why care about that? You believe that what she is doing is not right and you should stand up for what you believe in! If she doesn't listen, ask yourself, is she worthy to be your friend? What if you did not say what you were feeling because you were scared? What if your friend continues to be bad? What if something unfortunate happens to her? Do you want to live with the thought that you could have helped her, but didn't? It is understandable that no one wants to be judged but there is no reason anyone would judge you negatively if you did something right. You may inspire them to speak up too! And you may shock them (in a good way) and let them know what a brave person you are!
If you want to try out something you have never done before, let's say, you want to make a YouTube cover. Problem is that you are way too shy. 'What if someone from school sees and laugh?' 'What if I get hate?' 'What if my friends think I am stupid?' 'What if I'm not good enough?' Let me ask you this, would you rather regret something you have done than regret something you have never did because you were too cowardly? It's okay to be afraid but you should not let fear control you.
I have wanted to make YouTube covers 2 years before I actually did it! I told myself to relax, just have fun. I wanted to try it out at least once! The response I got was overwhelming, people laughed, people sent hate, my video even kind of got viral in my school (even my seniors looked at it)! I was really sad of course, people whom I did not know where calling me pathetic anonymously on ask.fm! I admit, I cried. I was pissed and moody because of them and I regretted what I did. My friends, the ones that truly matter, encouraged me. They told me that they were proud that I was brave enough to actually try. I don't remember how I plucked up the courage and did a second video... I even forgot the lyrics for the first song! I remember thinking 'Oh whatever, no one should stop me from what I really want to do!'
This time I did it with a friend, it always help having someone there as moral support! As predicted, I got hate. Although the hating did lessen, I was still affected. My mother talked to me and I realised I shouldn't let cowards behind a screen determine my mood. That is precisely what they are trying to do. I shouldn't let them win and make me upset! The next time I got any form of negativity, I deleted it. Of course constructive criticism was great but calling me names was not! It took me time to realise it was a waste of my time to reply with a comeback to defend myself. Just ignore the hate, and it will stop eventually. I was called a disgrace to Singapore because I speak with an accent when I am speaking proper English! Through this experience, I learnt many things. I have to keep trying again and again even though I may have failed the first time round. I had some supporters who encouraged me to post more videos and I may doing another cover some time again! My youtube channel is: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialxJelena and the video is availible up there if you want to see it! Please excuse the thumbnail, we look awkward haha :P
Courage is making the right decision, not the easy decision. Courage is looking past your personal goals and dedicating your life for the better of others. Courage is taking the first step. Courage is getting up to try again after a really bad fall. Courage is standing up for your future when your past keeps knocking you down.
Stand up, speak, be heard. Try something you've never dared to do (but of course don't commit a crime!) , who knows? It may turn out to be better than you thought. Do something right, not just for you, but for everyone.